Is there a lack in financial literacy? Have you ever noticed how many financial institutions there are? Look down any street you will most likely find a bank, credit union, insurance branch, or an investment firm. With so many financial products being sold, isn't it strange how little people know about finances?
Before I found my passion in the financial industry. I was a tradesman for eight years and I also served Canada in the army for six and a half years. I struggled finding the answers when it came to retirement, insurance, or even just how to properly eliminate debt. I started realizing that it wasn't just me that was getting confused and frustrated. It just seemed that no matter how hard I worked, I could just never get ahead.
As I started reading books and educating myself. I started realizing that there was a vast difference between what the middle class were being taught about money, and what the wealthy were being taught about money. As well as the service they were receiving by financial institutions. Unfortunately, I did not get the best service at a corporation that was dealing with my finances at the time, so I started wondering. What if I could provide a service that I wish I would have gotten?
So off I went. I got my licenses live and started educating Canadians on how to get to financial independence. It is time to eliminate high pressure quotas, bias, and give the proper time and attention clients deserve.